Get Healthy. Stay Healthy.

Same Day Appointments Available!
Call, text (615) 602-9244, or fill out our form by clicking on the link below.

Pain is not something you need to just “live with”.


Our team at Integrated Spine and Joint in Franklin, TN, understands how chronic pain can be debilitating to your everyday life.  When the activities you love to do become a thing of the past, it’s time to find a solution.  Generally, pain is your body telling you that something isn’t right.  It’s worth listening to, as most pain is significant and signals an underlying issue.  Many aspects of life, such as accidents, stress, and illness can cause damage to the nervous system, and subsequently, to our alignment and structure.  Too many people cover up their symptoms with pain medications, or decide to take the path towards an invasive and expensive surgery.  We specialize in holistic and rehabilitative services, allowing your body to begin to heal itself, from the inside out.


Our Personalized Care Plans Provide Pain Relief and Natural Healing That Lasts!


At Integrated Spine and Joint in Franklin, TN, we believe in holistic and natural approaches to your pain management and pain relief.  Our team of trainers, therapists, nurse practitioners, and chiropractors follow rehabilitative paths such as ultrasound guidance, nerve conduction velocity testing, X-rays, and other therapies to offer a complete scope of care.  Through years of training, experience, and success, we aim to restore optimal function to improve your quality of life.  If you suffer from pain, physical impairments, or disabilities, let us show you how we can provide real and lasting relief.


We Get Results Where Nothing Else Has Worked


We are proud of our success rate, and can’t wait to help you towards living a pain free life! Our staff is passionate about getting you healthy in the most non-invasive way possible.  We don’t want you to live in pain anymore.  Don’t wait another day to call us and see how we can alleviate your pain.


Call our Franklin, TN office TODAY at(615) 602-9244 for a free, no obligation consultation to take back your life.


(615) 602-9244


Integrated Spine and Joint
231 Public Square Suite 300
Franklin, TN 37064


Most Insurance Accpeted


Serving Franklin, TN and the Surrounding Area


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