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Chiropractic Care for Chronic Pain Relief and Long-Term, Total Body Wellness


At our Integrated Spine & Joint office, in Franklin, TN., our highly skilled and professional chiropractic staff will create a holistic and unique to your symptoms care plan to realign your head, neck, spine, and extremities.  Our goal is to create long-lasting and maximum comfort, to send you back into the world with a smile on your face, ready to tackle your life, pain free!


Pain is the number one reason people seek out chiropractic care, but it is only one piece of the process.  When pain has been affecting your daily life for too long, this initial step is your main focus.  We understand that your daily tasks have become unbearable, that a simple walk with loved ones is out of the picture, and that simply going through the day is wearing on your patience, happiness, and well being.   During this first phase of treatment, our main goal is to reduce painful symptoms.  That back pain, neck pain, and joint pain is our focus.  Through treatments such as providing traction and the implementation of back braces for support, we begin returning your body to its healthy state. This phase can require multiple visits, sometimes daily and sometimes 2-3 times per week.


Your spine contains a delicate system of nerves that reaches all parts of your body, from vital organs, to your brain, toes, and fingertips.  Any harsh or overly aggressive treatment can cause harm to nerves or further damage an existing condition.  In addition, misalignments and other subluxations often occur over a period of time.  For your treatment to be most effective, corrections or adjustments also need to be managed over a period of time, just as a broken bone or other takes time to heal.



Keep Your Back Pain, Neck Pain, and Joint Pain Away For Good Through Corrective Care and Wellness Care


We offer innovative solutions to your pain! Once you begin chiropractic care, and you are past the initial phase of symptom relief, you’ll discover something amazing…chiropractic care can address whole body health!  The central nervous system is integral to your body’s normal daily functions.  When something is amiss in your spine or central nervous system, it can affect your eyes, ears, liver, heart, lungs, stomach, thyroid, pancreas, intestines, bladder, gall bladder, appendix and so much more.   At Integrative Spine & Joint at Franklin, we take you past the symptom relief phase, and your customized care plan will almost always include the correction/restorative phases.  We investigate the “why” to your back pain, neck pain, and joint pain. By getting to the central root issue of your pain, we aim to heal your ailment for good, not just mask symptoms.   Our team believes that this is the most important step in your therapy to avoid a recurrence of your condition.  Once your health issue is properly corrected, you will enter the wellness (or maintenance) phase of your treatment.  We like to compare this to visiting your dentist for a regular checkup, or getting that physical to make sure everything is working, as it should.  Through periodic adjustments, you can maintain a pain free life and catch any future problems early.


Compassion, empathy, and passion surround our practice. We understand that no matter where your pain begins, it’s hard to find yourself unable to do the activities you love.  You will always receive expert, specialized care by experienced and forward thinking professionals.  When you make routine chiropractic care a priority in your life, you can avoid the aches and pains that too many people suffer through.  There’s no hero card for living with pain.  Treat your body to chiropractic care and watch as joint pain, neck pain, and back pain become a thing of the past.  You deserve it!


CALL OR TEXT US TODAY! at(615) 602-9244 to start on the path towards pain free living!


(615) 602-9244


Integrated Spine and Joint
231 Public Square Suite 300
Franklin, TN 37064


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Serving Franklin, TN and the Surrounding Area


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