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Set Yourself Free From Join Injury and Joint Pain!


Has joint pain become a way of life for you?  You do not need to live with chronic and debilitating joint pain!  When every day activities such as walking your dog or playing with your children becomes out of the realm of possibility, it’s time to find an answer.  Our patients love the extended period of life without joint pain.  The best part of this treatment?  It can be administered in about five minutes, during your regularly scheduled visit, and you can immediately return to your normal day’s activities.  Viscosupplementation can be your source of pain relief; it’s as easy as calling and scheduling an appointment.  Start your healing path today!


Individualized care, customized care plans, and a passion to bring you back to optimal health.  This is what you will receive starting the second you walk through our door.


Take the First Step Toward a Joint Pain and Joint Injury Free Life! Call Us to Start the Healing Process Today!


When you visit our Integrated Spine and Joint in Franklin, TN, you will notice an immediate difference in our outlook on joint injury and joint pain management.  Our team of professionals wants to show you pathways to health, the natural and noninvasive way.  You can count on individualized and customized care, and we truly believe that joint pain is something that you should not have to live with.  As our patient, you will experience personalized care, and we stay with you every step of the way, until you walk out of our door feeling like a new and improved person!  Don’t wait another day to learn what our joint injections can do for you!


We go the extra step with our joint injections by using Ultrasound-Guided Injections! Accuracy is of the upmost importance when treating joint pain with joint injections.  The success of this treatment is directly related to ensuring proper placement of the injection.  Traditionally, these injections are considered blind injections, where the doctor simply feels around the bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons to estimate the placement of the injection.  The source of pain is often as small as couple millimeters in size, so it’s a pretty small bull’s-eye!   Improperly placed injections are less likely to work, and can involve complications such as nerve damage, if an injection is accidently placed into a nerve.  Our highly skilled and professional team avoids these complications by Ultrasound-Guided Injections.


Ultrasound-Guided Injections allows our doctors to see the inside of the joint to pinpoint the exact placement of your Viscosupplementation injection.  This makes your procedure quick, easy, and often less painful than the blind injections.  Accuracy equals long-lasting relief and fewer injections in the future.


At Integrated Spine and Joint, we strive for excellence in all or our injection procedures. Our extra step of Ultrasound-Guided Injections ensures a success rate of which we are proud.


Innovative and Effective, Try Viscosupplementation for Joint Pain Relief!


Viscosupplementation is an FDA-approved technique.  During your quick and easy procedure, your doctor will inject lubricating fluid into your affected joint.  Most of the time, a person suffering from joint pain is experiencing the loss of synovial fluid, which provides lubrication and shock absorption to the joint and surrounding areas.  The result of this loss of fluids leads to extreme pain from bone-on-bone rubbing.  The lubricating fluid in our joint injections, hyaluronic acid, mimics synovial fluid, and provides the same lubricating effect for your joints.  Moving that knee joint or shoulder joint 10 years back in time, all in under ten minutes!  By reintroducing this fluid back into your joints, your joint will be able to move easily and efficiently once again.


What can you expect from your joint injection treatment?


  • Your team of professionals will conduct a thorough examination of your affected joint to determine the exact location and extent of damage.
  • You will receive your Viscosupplementation injection in a matter of minutes.
  • We will clean your skin with a disinfectant solution to prevent possible infection.
  • You’ll be asked to relax your muscles, and immediately following the injection, we will ask that you move your joint around to let the hyaluronic acid fully be absorbed.
  • Additional injections may be required over time, depending on the severity of your joint damage.
  • You will be the main player in your customized care plan that can be supplemented with other therapies to ensure whole health healing.


At Integrated Spine and Joint in Franklin, TN, you can begin your journey to pain free living TODAY.  We will be with you every step of the way!  Don’t wait another day to call us at(615) 602-9244 to start your journey to pain free living!


(615) 602-9244


Integrated Spine and Joint
231 Public Square Suite 300
Franklin, TN 37064


Most Insurance Accpeted


Serving Franklin, TN and the Surrounding Area


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