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Is Chronic Knee Pain Significantly Affecting Your Quality of Life?


While research is being done to fight this debilitating condition, there is currently no cure.  Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the damage to the joint.  Most people with Osteoarthritis will have pain and stiffness, along with a regular swelling after exercise or continual activity.  You may also feel the following:


  • Limited range of motion
  • The cracking or clicking noise when bending your knee
  • Pain that correlates with activity


At Integrative Spine and Joint in Franklin, we incorporate natural and innovative treatments to treat your knee pain and knee injury.  Our knee pain specialists believe in modern medicine, which strays away from over-the-counter medications and prescription pain pills.  We also understand that surgeries can make conditions much worse, and often don’t work.  Our passionate and professional staff believes that your body can begin to heal itself, so check out our treatment plans, and see how we can get you back to enjoying life, pain free.


Quick and EFFECTIVE solutions to your Osteoarthritis and Knee Pain


Our knee pain specialists focus on finding knee pain relief for our patients.  In our office at Franklin in Franklin, TN, we aim to bring your knee joint back to full function.  It all begins with synovial fluid, which your body makes naturally.  This fluid helps with lubrication and shock absorption, allowing our joints to work in a healthy manner.  As Osteoarthritis becomes more prevalent in our knee joint, our bodies quit making synovial fluid, which leads to a lack of lubrication, and in turn, chronic and extreme pain.



Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disorder in the United States, and predominantly affects middle-aged to elderly people.  This disease mostly affects cartilage that is the tissue that covers and protects your joints.  This cartilage provides lubrication and absorbs shock, so your bones are able to glide over each other with ease.  With Osteoarthritis, this layer of cartilage begins to wear away, allowing the painful and chronic situation of bones rubbing together, causing a minimized range of motion, pain, and swelling.


Too many people let Osteoarthritis and chronic knee pain define their life.  They believe that there is nothing you can do about this pain, and often resign themselves to surgery down the road, and medication until that point.  At Integrated Spine and Joint, we have the alternative and safe answer to your knee pain. Your SUPARTZ treatment can be administered in less than 10 minutes!  Many of our patients walk out of the office with a new skip in their step and a smile on their face.  Depending on how severe the damage to your knees may be, some patients will need additional injections to regain full optimal function.


Our team understands your pain, and is excited to show you this state-of-the-art treatment.   When you visit us, we know that you’ve tried the pain medication route, and you are looking for something different.  At Integrated Spine and Joint, we don’t just give you the injection and send you on the way.   Your team of professionals will be with you every step of the way through your individualized and customized care plan.  Your care plan will incorporate rehabilitative services such as physical therapy, acupuncture, topical creams, and much more to provide you with an all-encompassing pathway out of living with pain.


SUPARTZ is an FDA-approved safe, quick, effective, and easy injection treatment for your chronic pain. Many of our patients feel immediate relief, and others begin to feel a release of pain hours after the treatment.  These innovative injections can provide you with up to 6 months of pain free living!  Who would say no to that?


The SUPARTZ therapy can be administered quickly in a single visit to our Integrated Spine and Joint office.  This pain management plan has proven to significantly decrease pain associated with chronic knee pain due to Osteoarthritis.  Discover how SUPARTZ can help relieve your chronic knee pain!


  • Improvement in range of motion
  • Stimulates healthy tissue growth
  • Increases stability in the knee joint
  • Provides lubrication to decrease pain from bone spurs or bone-on-bone rubbing
  • Provides extra lubrication and cushion
  • Reduces inflammation in the knee joint and surrounding areas
  • Increases blood flow to the knee joint, allowing for the flow of blood and nutrient rich fluid to get to the affected tissue
  • Targets the source of the pain and provides more than a Band-Aid solution


We aim to bring your joint back to full function.  Why wait another day to experience the positive aspects of knee injection therapy?


CALL OR TEXT US TODAY! at(615) 602-9244 to experience up to 6 months of pain free living!


(615) 602-9244


Integrated Spine and Joint
231 Public Square Suite 300
Franklin, TN 37064


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Serving Franklin, TN and the Surrounding Area


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