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Achieve the Best Healing Results With Individualized

Home Exercise Programs & Rehabilitative Therapies


Customized care after injuries makes all the difference in your complete recovery.  The professionals at Integrated Spine and Joint understand the needs, challenges, and frustrations you may face after your surgery, procedure or injuries.  We know you are ready to get back to the life you love quickly, efficiently, and with as little pain as possible.  Let us get you there!


Recovery is defined as a complete return to your pre-injury condition.  We don’t stop there.  Our aim is higher than simply recovering.  Your rehabilitative therapy will involve specialized assistance to not only return you to your pre-injury strength, but also, improve your functioning beyond your pre-injury condition.


Our caregivers are proficient in providing the support you need to feel comfortable, focus on healing, and return to optimal health.  At Integrated Spine and Joint, you’ll experience a customized, rehabilitative therapy program based on your specific needs, to make sure that your healing journey is positive, restorative, and efficient.  We know that every patient is different, so every program should be an individualized experience.  No two experiences or plans are alike.


Our on-site specialists are here to care for your needs.  Your care begins with a one-on-one follow up after your injury or surgery, so we can understand you story and individual goals.  Your Franklin Subdivision team of specialists will meet with you and stay with you every step of your healing journey.  Treatment methods may vary depending on the extent of healing and your individual diagnosis.


Our Home Exercise Programs Keep You Strong and Healthy!


At Integrated Spine and Joint in Franklin, TN, we take the time to listen to your unique health issue, and then create an individualized wellness plan to get you on the road to better health, increased activity, and an improved outlook on life.


We lead you from injury through recovery and all the way to lifestyle wellness.  Once your recovery is well underway, we’ll start talking about complete wellness.  Through periodic follow-up appointments, we’ll monitor you and watch for any signs of regression.  Our staff will give you tools to stay fit and active through full recovery and all subsequent stages of your life! We strive to send patients out our door full steam toward the life they want to live.


What Can I Expect From my Post Op Care in Franklin, TN?


Here’s how Integrated Spine and Joint can help you achieve the highest degree of health and wellness possible:


  • We look at your injury, surgery and underlying cause of your pain
  • Together, we create a customized care plan to produce the fastest results possible
  • You’ll be the main player in your recovery, and you will receive recommended methods to participate in your own path to whole health
  • We believe that the body can heal itself, so you will learn the value of natural, non-invasive, and homeopathic wellness routines


Injury or surgery can set you back in life, but we help our patients bounce back quickly.  With individualized goals and a little hard work, we can get you back to the life you love.  Don’t wait another day to plan your post-surgery phase, and turn lemons into lemonade!  CALL OR TEXT US TODAY! at(615) 602-9244.


(615) 602-9244


Integrated Spine and Joint
231 Public Square Suite 300
Franklin, TN 37064


Most Insurance Accpeted


Serving Franklin, TN and the Surrounding Area


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